Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Hoe & Ing Wedding Day on 29 December 2007

Have anyone of you went to Gerik (Perak) before? Well, you have to exit Kuala Kangsar (new exit @ North South Expressway after Ipoh) and you are bound to go all the way straight up to Gerik, a small town up north of Perak (about half hour from the border of Thailand.

Hoe & Ing wedding was planned about a year ago, and of course, I came well prepared with all my equipment and tripod as there's a big huge relative photo shoot after the wedding dinner. Anyway, this time around, my type of photography is a little different as all my favourites are more object oriented, instead of wide angle photo shoot. Note the "Just Married" car plate. Artwork & plate are done by PerfectWeddingz (the supplier for Those who plan their wedding, better check out their wedding gifts. It could be something you will definately get for your wedding day.

Oh yeah, end of the day, I had about 1,220 shots taken for Hoe & Ing. I think I will have sleepless nights going through the photos before Chinese New Year, haha...

Hope you like the pictures as much as I do. My New Year resolution is of course, to make MWP (My Wedding Photographer) as one of the most prominent Actual Wedding photographer company in Malaysia and hitting my target of 50 couples this year. Yeah, it will not be easy but with all my preserverance and "ai pia cia eh ia" (that's hokkien word means "slog like hell, you will be a winner". Haha... hope that's the correct meaning.

Btw, did you notice that the bride does her own make-up?


Anonymous January 3, 2008 at 2:15 AM  

Hi , William Goh. Nice to know you. I am another learning photographer(canon 30D)on that day. I love ur style, in fact many of your photography skill that u showed me that day inspired me.I hoped i din block your shoot that day. I really learn lot from you & u so generous to share knowledge with me. Thanks for some of your advices. haha, i rush too that day because i need to edit all the pics before i went back KL. I really no sleep for the 2 nights spend in Gerik. .. See you in future and keep in touch.Pls comment on my pictures taken that day :


Note that all these photographs are taken by FOTOMALAYSIA / MY WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER team and cannot be used without our client or our approval. We have the right to use these images for our marketing and advertising promotions locally or internationally. Any unauthorized usage are not allowed.

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