Friday, June 27, 2008

Food Photography

Years ago, I used to dislike taking pictures of food photography so much that I totally retire from taking a single shot of these type of photography until I had to be really involved in food photography as I have clients who got me to do their menu.

Pictures were taken at Desa Sri Hartamas, inside the middle-eastern restaurant (newly opened) and had to get their menu done. Here's some of the pics. "Food Photography" in Malaysia is a specialised field, just like Wedding Photography. I used to do many types of photography including sports, wedding, portraiture, corporate photography and such but since the last 3 years, I put my heart and soul into wedding photography alone. But of course, I only take only 1 event photography that last two days in April for the last three years.

Food photography is now back into action but this time, it will be taken by two of my students. So, if you have anyone who needs our services, let me know ya!



Note that all these photographs are taken by FOTOMALAYSIA / MY WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER team and cannot be used without our client or our approval. We have the right to use these images for our marketing and advertising promotions locally or internationally. Any unauthorized usage are not allowed.

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