Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Schedule for Year 2009

Hello everyone!

I have been busy with my preparations for September 2008 weddings and for those clients who require my services, there are some dates which I am still available but I will be extremely busy so do give me some space to get all your pictures edited as quickly as I can.

Go check out my schedule at MY WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER.

For those who require my services for Year 2009, do book me early as I am expecting more bookings for Year 2009. Some may come from Singapore too (I hope!) :o)

Kindly write to me at fotomalaysia@gmail.com for the latest pricing for Year 2009 Photography & Videography services.



Note that all these photographs are taken by FOTOMALAYSIA / MY WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER team and cannot be used without our client or our approval. We have the right to use these images for our marketing and advertising promotions locally or internationally. Any unauthorized usage are not allowed.

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