Tuesday, December 2, 2008

ISPWP (International Society of Professional Wedding Photographers

Dear readers. I have been accepted as a member of ISPWP (International Society of Professional Wedding Photographers) in United States of America and currently THE ONLY one from Malaysia accepted by this esteemed society. Check out my listing in ISPWP website.

Why are ISPWP photographers the best?
All ISPWP photographers:
- have shot at LEAST 50 weddings, some have shot hundreds of weddings
- had their website and portfolio reviewed and approved by the ISPWP
- had to provide multiple references or have an ISPWP sponsor
- have no complaints with BBB or any other consumer organization
- operate under the strict ISPWP Code of Conduct

Experience counts. Hire your wedding photographer with confidence.


Anonymous December 2, 2008 at 4:15 PM  

Congrate on your achievement William !!! Keep it UP!!!


Note that all these photographs are taken by FOTOMALAYSIA / MY WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER team and cannot be used without our client or our approval. We have the right to use these images for our marketing and advertising promotions locally or internationally. Any unauthorized usage are not allowed.

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